We're having the most FANTASTIC time exploring SDGs 11, 13, 14, 15 and everything in between at the University of Kitakyushu's extension course with 20+ kids and youth aged 6 to 18 + university student leader volunteers!
Session 1: Become a Youth Climate Changemaker (June 29) 気候変動行動のユースチェンジメーカーになろう!
Session 2: Become Resilient in an Age of Climate Anxiety (July 6) 気候不安の時代に強くなろう!
Session 3: Go Green! (Life on Land) (July 20) Go グリーン!
Session 4: Go Blue! (Life Under Water) (July 27) Goブルー!
Session 5: Act Responsible, Think Sustainable (September 28) 責任をもって行動し、持続可能性を考える
Session 6: Make a Difference, Make Some NOISE! (October 5)