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Kids Around the World: Rafila from Indonesia (My activity during pandemic of covid 19)

Writer's picture: C IshiiC Ishii

This is the first in our series of posts from kids who have taken part in the Kids2Kids program. All posts are unedited and exactly how the kids wrote them. Enjoy!

My activity during pandemic of covid 19

By Rafila (2019 Japan-Indonesia exchange program participant)

Halo,nama saya Rafila. Saya berumur 11 tahun.

Hallo, I’m Rafila. I am 11 years old.

Ini adalah perasaanku saat belajar selama pandemic COVID.

This is my feeling when I study in pandemic of Covid-19

Wabah ini membuat orang bisa sakit. Semua sekolah ditutup. Ini membuat semua siswa belajar dari rumah.

This pandemic makes people sick. All scholls are closed. This makes every students learn from home.

Belajar di rumah dimulai saat bulan Maret. Sudah 6 bulan belajar di rumahnya berlangsung.

Learning at home was started in March. It’s been 6 months I learn at home.

Saat Pertama kali belajar di rumah, saya senang,karena belajar di rumah itu menurut saya menyenangkan seperti libur sekolah.

When firstly learning at home, I felt very happy. Study at home I thought was fun like school holiday.

Karena kalau libur saya bisa bermain bersama adik saya, bermain dirumah, dan tidak pergi ke sekolah.

As in holiday I can play with my brother. play at home and no need to go to school.

Tapi,karena belajar di rumahnya lama, lama kelamaan saya juga sedih. Karena tidak bisa ketemu teman teman, tidak bisa keluar rumah, saya belajar lewat daring atau kelas online.

But as studying at home is too long, I feel sad. Because I can’t meet my friends, I cant go out, I study online.

Saya lebih suka jika di rumah tapi bisa keluar rumah. Jika saja Bisa keluar rumah,tentu saya lebih senang. Bisa berlibur dan juga jalan jalan.

I prefer staying at home, but I can go out. If I can go out, I will be happier. I can enjoy holiday and take a walk to some places.

Saat ada tugas sekolah yg dikerjakan di buku, biasanya dikerjakan di rumah dan dikumpulkan oleh orangtua di sekolah.

When I have school assignments, I do in books. Usually I do exercises at home, and the homework is collected by my parents in school.

Kalau ke sekolah, orang tua tetap memakai masker dan juga menjaga jarak.

If going to school, parents use mask and do social distancing.

Untuk tugas dari guru, biasanya tugas tersebut diambil dari buku pelajaran. Beberapa hari yang lalu, saya ada ulangan, atau penilaian tentang pembelajaran materi sekolah yg diberikan.

For assignment from teacher, usually the material is from school textbooks. Few days ago, I had test. THe material was from materials we learn at home.

Ulangannya dari rumah,jadi diberikan soal lewat komputer, dan nanti tinggal diberi jawaban. Setelah ulangan berakhir, tinggal tugas karya seni.

THe test was from home, the questions were in computer. I just typed the answers. After the test, I had art project.

Saya dan teman teman diberi tugas untuk membuat patung,menggambar,melukis,mengukir, dan masih banyak lagi.

My friends and I, we must finish our project in making statue, drawing, carving, etc.

Beberapa minggu yang lalu, ada kegiatan baru. Saya juga ada kerja kelompok,atau membuat tugas sekolah bersama teman teman di rumah teman saya. Bisa dibilang home visit.

Some weeks ago, we start another activity. I had also group work with some friends. We do the assignment in a friend’s home. We call it home visit activity.

Setiap home visit, murid harus memakai masker dan face shield.

Every home visit, students must use mask and face shield.

Murid yg ikut paling banyak 5 orang. Nanti perkelompok datang sesuai jadwal.

Maximum students are 5. Each group will study in different schedule.

Aktivitas yg dilakukan saat Home visit adalah, anak anak diberi pelajaran oleh guru. Jika sudah selesai, tugas yang dikerjakan dikoreksi dan dikumpulkan untuk dinilai oleh guru. Biasanya, home visit berlangsung sekitar 2 jam. Setelah selesai, anak anak boleh pulang jika sudah dijemput orangtua. Dengan home visit, saya senang Karena bisa bertemu teman – teman. Saya tidak bosan di rumah saja, dan bisa keluar rumah untuk belajar.

The activity during home visit is teacher teaches the students. After we finish the lesson, our teacher will correct the work and give score. Home visit usually lasts for 2 hours. We can home if parents pick us. With this home visit, I am happy because I can meet my friends. I am not bored staying at home and I can go out to study.

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